Some businesses have already made a fantastic transition to the ‘working from home’ model & have really reaped the rewards which include happier staff & less overheads. We’ve put together a list of 8 top tips to help your business make working from home, work better for both your business & your employees.
Check out our latest blog posts.
QContact is proud to announce our latest version of our Office 365 Integration. No plugins to install – no double entry – our simple ‘it just works’ solution.
Since WhatsApp launched WhatsApp Business API, a lot of people are asking what is the difference between WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API. We explain the differences, and how it can help your business.
In today’s sales environment you need a muscle car for your salespeople to tear up the roads, take those corners with ease– collect and close those leads! Enter the CRM, or Customer Relationship Management software.
Why have separate numbers for each channel – especially when Google only lets you list a single number for your business. With QContact you can use one number for every channel.
With over 16 million phone lines needing to be migrated to VOIP over the next five years, the scale of the task is unprecedented.
Turn many channels into one. Streamline all of these tools into one powerful tool where everything is captured and no lead is burned.
Never before have consumers expected more – they expect to be able to communicate how they want, when they want, and for you to know their complete profile and communication history. We explain how you can supercharge your customer communication.
We explore how computers can detect voicemails and answering machines during outbound dialling and whether you should enable this technology on your campaigns.