AI is hungry for data – does your contact centre have the data?

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AI is hungry for data – does your contact centre have the data? There’s an age-old phrase – the more you know, the better you do. This is acutely important for Artificial Intelligence. The more data it has, the better decisions it is better to take, and the better experience for not just the managers, but the agents and customers too.

Historically data has been siloed into disparate systems – you have your ticketing system, your CRM, your call centre, your e-mail, and so the list goes on. There’s been some attempts to amalgamate this data in data warehouses and data lakes, but this a large undertaking typically reserved for larger corporates who have the time and money to invest in such complex solutions.

How can your contact centre advise the best solution for an issue if it doesn’t have ticketing information. How can your ticketing system suggest the best solution without understanding what services the customer has? If a customer e-mailed Janet last week, and the contact centre colleague can’t see the message, how are they supposed to assist? This is a speed block to an agent, but to AI it’s a great big pothole in the middle of the main road.

Without enough data to feed the AI machine, the machine just isn’t going to generate good results. If a customer asks what’s the status of their ticket, and your contact centre isn’t integrated with your ticketing system, all the AI can do is refer them to the ticketing platform. If the ticketing platform needs to access the customer’s balance to answer a ticket, but has no access to the CRM, it will just have to refer the query to an advisor.

You don’t want to confuse your customers with multiple AI agents from multiple vendors, each only able to access its own subset of data. You need a platform which can cross boundaries, pulling information from whichever system contains the relevant answers. You need a platform that gives you not just your agents that coveted single pane of glass, but also your customers that first rate customer experience with one point of contact, one unified great experience.

Many CCaaS vendors rushed to add “AI” to their products to tick a box on an RFP. Without data and integrations though, it just isn’t going to cut the mustard in the real world. QContact can help deliver a powerful AI agent which has access to that single pane of glass. Whether it’s tickets, CRM, e-commerce transactions, KYC checks or more – we have the functionality and integrations you need to produce the best possible customer experience, ready to go, out of the box.

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