Read our Top Tips For Looking Tip Top On Video Calls
1. The Basics.
Shower, brush your hair & get some Vaseline on your teeth! Vaseline… Say what? We know, your clients can’t smell you over Zoom, so does it really matter that you ran out of deodorant the other day?
No, not really but a shower wakes you up & gets your feeling energised & it comes across on your call. Also, as much as your dog loves you, he doesn’t want to smell you festering all day.
As for the Vaseline, that’s to help you smile!
2. Dress The Part
We get you’re at home but you’re still working & as much as we all love the fact, we don’t have to get dressed up anymore it pays to look the part.
And before you all say nooooo, we’ve come up with a suitable compromise.
Pinstripe pyjama bottoms or boxers, because you only have to look suitable for work from the waist up right?
3. Lighting
Good lighting goes along way to making you look more radiant & believe it or not, your clients want to see your face. •
You don’t need a full-on lighting rig in your gaff but a bright room with your desk near the window will provide you with good lighting & it will stop you feeling closed in!
If you don’t have a bright room, opt for a halo light that can clip on your desk. The warm glow setting is the bee knees & will have you looking like an Insta model in no time at all!
4. Background
We’ve all heard a tidy room is a tidy mind & it turns out its true!
Declutter your desk & whilst you’re at it make sure the space your camera is facing looks professional.
Nobody wants to see your photo collage of your first lad’s or girl’s to Benidorm circa 1996.
You don’t need to go all out, a nice bookcase or a nice shelf with plants will do the trick.

5. Eye Level
Because no one wants to see up your nose whilst discussing work (think of your parents on FaceTime & you’ll know what I mean).
And let’s not have that camera underneath you, unless of course what you want to look at least 15 years older than you really are.
Eye to eye contact is what you should be aiming for, with your camera straight ahead. You want to look your best & you want build trust with your clients.
6. Have A Mirror To Hand
It’s always good to have a mirror to hand for a quick check before a call.
Have you got black pepper in your teeth?
Is there remnants of your lunch in your beard?
Do you have lipstick on your teeth?
Has that zit you were hiding come to a head?
All major Zoom faux pas!
A mirror is an obvious life saver.
7. Touch Up
For those of you who are feeling a little bit frazzled by life.
We’ve got you Karen. Or should I say Zoom have.
The desk top version offers a ‘Touch Up’ to smooth away your blemishes & make you look a little bit smoother & fresher.
We recommend this after a heavy night or a stressful week! (no judging)